My wife an I joined one trip of the Red Sea Wreck Academy in the Red Sea with Peter Collings ( We did 23 different wrecks in the north and Sues Channel that are rarely dived. We avoided the crowded places and were always the only livaboard at the diving spot. We went with the MY CHARLOTTE. We also spent a lot of time searching for new targets.
We 3D scanned as much as possible and it will take weeks to process all the data and building the wreck models.
This is the list of wrecks we dived.
- Patrol Boat
- Barge Gubal Island
- Rosalie Moeller
- Zietieh
- Cristobal
- Carina
- Alaska
- Tank Graveyard (Universal Carriers)
- RSS Cormorant
- Million Hope
- Military park
- Lara
- Zingara
- Jolanda
- Dunraven
- Giannis D
- Carnatic
- Markus (Chrisoula K)
- Excalibur
- Burnt Offering
- Mine Sweeper T430
- Mohammed Hisaballa
- Hebbat Allah
I will update the list every time I finished a model