Our team gezeitentaucher dives in the north sea and searches for wrecks.
Wreck X
The wreck of the german steamer ELSA of cpt, Weitendorf sank 1936 in a storm. This was the first wreck that I identified.
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Escort vessel V810
The vessel sunk 1944.
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Escort vessel V812
The vessel sunk 1944.
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Escort vessel V1101
The vessel sunk 1944 Link
North sea: WreckY – Swedish steamer OSSIAN
We examined this wreck for the first time in 2020. It turned out to be the Swedish steamer Ossian, which drove in a convoy on its way from Sweden to Rotterdam and was sunk by English planes.
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Small steam tug
2020 we found this small tug in the north sea. It is still not identified yet.
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Aenne Ursula
On December 4 or 5, 1967, the motor ship “Änne Ursula” sank in the North Sea off the East Frisian Islands. Link