I am very honored that my Red Sea models will now be exhibited in the famous Great Library in Alexandria, Egypt. Yesterday Dr. Emad Kahli, Dr. Marwa Elmakil and I opened the exhibition with two lectures on underwater archeology and photogrammetry.
You can find my Egypt models here: Link
Dr. Emad Khalil:
” Today we had a unique event, and one of the most successful events ever organized by the ACHS and AlexMed in the Bibiotheca Alexandria. “Echoes of the Deep” is the first shipwreck 3D printed model exhibition to take place in Egypt. It presents our amazing maritime cultural heritage of modern shipwrecks that have been attracting divers from all over the world.
The event was an example of collaboration between different sections, departments and individuals at the Library of Alexandria and beyond. However, the entire management of the event including writing the proposal to the Honor Frost Foundation to get funding, organizing the entire trip of Holger Buss and his lovely wife, sorting out all the printing details of the posters, handling every single detail, working late everyday, all this and more was done by my colleague and student Nada Kamel.”