We went to Alexandria and Cairo this year. I used the opportunity to capture some nice models in 3D.
Head of emperor Augustus in Alexandria
Statue in the Greek and Roman museum in Alexandria. The head shows the emporer Augustus, previously called Octavius. It was made during the imperial perod. It belonged to a colossal statue of Augustus, decorating a prominent place in Athribis city.
Augustus was the first Roman emperor. He was born September 23, 63 BC as Gaius Octavius in Rome and he died August 19, 14 AD near Naples. The statue was made from marble in the year 80AD as a copy of a statue from 27AD.
Bust of Sarapis in the Greek and Roman museum of Alexandria, Egypt. Sometimes he is called Serapis In the Roman period, Sarapis was depiced with the basket of the holy secrets (Katalthos) on his head, and five hair locks on the forehead, This form was represented on the Alexandrian coins since the Augustan period. It seems that this bust comes from cultic context, as it was found near the Sarapeum temple. You can find the 3D-Files in the Download section.
Torso of the Nile
Roman period – 2nd century AD. Greek and Roman museum of Alexandria, Egypt.
This torso depicts the Nile as an elderly man with long hair parted in the middle, wearing a Greek mantle, and carrying in his left an empty cornucopia (horn of plenty). According to Greek mythology, the Nile was one of the sons of the giant Oceanus (the ocean) and his wife Thetys, which places him among the first primordial rivers. It apperas that this torso once adorned a temple or other public structure at Canopus.
Cairo scribe (seated scribe)
Museum in Cairo (link)
Scribes recorded the stocks of foors, court proceedings, wills and other legal documents, tax records, and all the things that happened in everyday life. Scribes were near the top of the social pyramid. This statue shows an unknown scribe in the traditional position in ancient Egyptian art – seated in a cross-legged pose, with a papyrus scroll over his knees. You can find the 3D-Files in the Download section.
This litte guy even made it onto the 200 pound note…
Head of queen Hatshepsut
Egyptian museum in cairo (Link)
This head comes from one of the twenty-four colossal Osiris statues that decorate the portico of the third terrace of her mortuary temple at Deir el Bahari. Hatshepsut was the sister-wife of Thutmosis II and become the fifth pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty. The queen is portrayed as Osiris with male attributes like the ceremonial beard and depicted with reddish-brown skin, a colour usually restricted to men in ancient Egyptian art, in contrast to the pale yellowish colour reserved for women.
Sphinx of queen Hatshepsut
As a sphinx, Hatshepsut displays a lion’s mane and a king’s beard. This sphinx is somewhat different from the traditional Egyptian sphinx, which was a human head with a lion’s body. This sphinx has a human face, a lion’s head with mane and ears, and a lion’s body