The red sea is full of wrecks. Some of them sunk due to war (Thistlegorm), but most of them just hit a reef in the Red Sea. Diving there is very easy and comfortable on a livaboard.
Probably the most popular diving spot in the world. The steam ship Thistlegorm in the Red Sea sunk 1941. She carried supplies for the British army: weapons, trucks, tanks, motorcycles and even two locomotives with trailers.
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Rosalie Moller
She was on my ‘Bucket List’, since we dived her in 2018. Not far from the Thistlegorm, but at least as beautiful. I never in my life thought we would come back six years later to digitize her!
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Salem Express
1991 the ferry struck a reef in the Red Sea. The accident happened at night and the ferry sank very quickly. Only 200 people were able to save themselves. Officially, there was talk of around 700 victims, probably significantly more.
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Giannis D
The 99 meter cargo ship built in 1969 in Japan. She hit the reef at Shaab Abu Nuhas in 1983. The Giannis D is truly a ‘must see dive site’.
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Chrisoula K
You might know this 101 meters long wreck as ’tiles wreck’. It is full of tiles ‘Made in Italy’. She lies also on the Shaab Abu Nuhas reef.
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The Carnatic hit a reef in the Red Sea in 1869. She had sails and a steam machine. Length: 98m. The Wreck lies in 25m depth.
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The 80m long SS Dunraven was cargo ship sank in 1873 after hitting a reef. She lies at a depth of between 15 and 30 metres.
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Sunk in 1887 after hitting a reef. Cargo: Cables and mercury. She broke in two pieces and sunk some days later. Today the wreck lies between 5 and 28 meters.
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Kimon M
The 106m meters long ship ran aground in 1978 at the northeast corner of Shaab Abu Nuhas. She now lies 30 meters below the surface.
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The ship Yolanda carried toilets, bath tubs, pipes etc. when it hit the reef in 1980. The wreck slided down the reef to 150m in 1985. The cargo is still in shallow water (10-15m).
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Barge at little gubal island
Small and not spectacular. I captured it, just to keep my collection complete.
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El Mina
Mine sweeper (Russian T-43 class) in 30m water depth at Hurghada harbor. She sank Feb 2nd 1970 after an Israeli airstrike.
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Fishing vessel at Hurghada
The fishing vessel “FV Mohamed Hasabella” lies close to the mine sweeper “El Mina” in 30m water depth.
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Parol boat Umm Gamar
Patrol boat which was used by the Egyptian army to cross to “Shadwan Island”. The shipwreck is broken in several parts starting in the top of the reef. The main part with two engines lies in the deeper area around 30m.
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The ship was built 1871 in Sunderland. It had sails and a steam machine. A spare propeller lies on the deck. 78m x 10m Cargo: Coal. She hit the reef Shag Rock in the red sea in 1881.
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On February 24th, 1967, the Panamanian cargo ship CRISTOBAL, built in 1945, with a cargo of oil samples, foundered in the Gulf of Suez off the Morgan 2 oilwell. Owned at the time by Pan American UAR Oil co., Panama.
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