Four weeks wreck scanning in Greece – what a fantastic trip! We managed it to scan 16 various wrecks. Some well known and some mysterious. It will take a while to process all the 3D-Models and I will post them here: Greece
Kostafastgarnix – team
We were a great team and we had really a lot of fun doing what we all love the most: Wreckdiving.
Alexey Konovalov
You may know him by his pseudonym: DerWrackzeichner (the wreck artist). You can find his pencil drawings in WETNOTES, on his Website and on Facebook.
Tim Ollmann
Tim was the captain and UW-Photographer of our tour. He speaks Greek and he was even asking fishermen on the sea for wreck positions. He did the main part of planning the tour and diving spots. You can find him here on Facebook.
Andreas Küver
As a doctor of chemistry, he is always looking for water samples from the wreck. He’s just as much of a wreck freak as we are. You can find him here on Facebook
Holger Buss (me)
I am a wreck fan and I love it to collect as many data from the wreck site as I can. I know I can’t digitize them all, but at least I will try… You are already on my Website and you can find me on Facebook or my articles in WETNOTES.
The Boat
Also an important member of our team: Tim’s RIB. Tim and Andreas strapped the boat behind the Crafter and drove the 2700km from Bremen to Greece. She needed some love and care during the trip, but she brought us to all the great diving spots.
Thank You
We want to say THANK YOU to:
– Stefanos Tzoganis from for filling the many tanks and for opening the shop either very early or quite late
– Nikos Vardakas from for filling Trimix and Oxygen and bringing us to the PSS Patris. Thanks for for being so patient with us, even when we killed your nerves during filling 🙂
– George Monastiroglou from for bringing us to the Eurobulker and the German warship.
– Kostas Thoctarides from for providing information and positions of the wrecks