Vernissage Grossensee

Elmar invited to the opening of the Grossensee exhibition in the museum

They are showing my collection of these models: Grossensee

Numerous visitors visited the special exhibition “Wrecks in the Grossensee” in the village museum on Saturday. For 2.5 years, a volunteer conservationist had been carrying out underwater archaeological investigations in the Großesee for the archaeological state office in Schleswig and thus unintentionally initiated one of the few free research projects during the corona lockdowns. In a team with experienced representatives of the North German wreck diving scene, a total of five boat wrecks were tracked down in the Großesee. Two almost ten meter long barges are undoubtedly relics of a fishing operation that dates back to the 13th century. These two barges are believed to have been sunk when operations were shut down in 1935. At the exhibition, the project should be presented in a tangible way. In addition to films, drawings and an image gallery, 3D prints of all wrecks, which were created after complex photogrammetry recordings, could also be seen. The hobby researchers also reported on this and other citizen science projects. One or the other find from the Grossensee could also be viewed up close. A great opportunity for young and old to experience up close the methods that are used today for research under water. Visitors could look through the viewfinder of professional underwater camera equipment, shoulder a complete set of diving equipment or even be explained on board a diving rescue boat how to go looking for wrecks with a sidescan sonar. The exhibition can be visited until October 1st, 2022

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